Using HTML5 video and audio tags to embelish your site

Dog Lick HTML5 App

There is a trend of adding a video element looping as the background of the website. Do you want to do this too? You won’t believe how easy it is to do. All you need to do is get a video and/or audio you want to loop in the background of your page and the rest is history.

I will show you how you can add HTML5 video and audio elements to your page with these simple steps:

1. Add the ‘video’ and ‘audio’ tag inside the body of your HTML.

<video id="back_video" src="video source goes here" loop></video>
<audio id="bark_audio" src="audio source goes here" loop></audio>

2. Add css style to the video element to extend the size of the browser window.

 width: 100%;
 z-index: 0; /*puts video behind all the elements on the page.*/
 visibility: hidden;

3. Add interaction with JavaScript, so when the page loads the video plays in the background and loops automatically and if the user clicks the video the audio file gets played in response to the click event.

 var doc = document;
 var video = doc.getElementById("back_video");
 var audio = doc.getElementById("bark_audio");
 doc.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
 video.addEventListener("click", playDogBark);
 function playBackgroundVideo(){;}
 function playDogBark(){;}

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A quick review of WordPress 4 “Benny Goodman”

With WordPress 4 “Benny” you have and can:
– Manage your media and embedded content with ease;

– See any embeddable content previews right in the visual editor;

– The content-editing experience has improved! Now, the visual editor now expands to fit your content with a fixed toolbar in the editor when you scroll; and

– A better workflow for finding and installing plugins with a new grid view adds some visual flair to finding and installing plugins, bringing relevant plugin info front and center.

So you want to be a Ruby on Rails developer… Huh?

Ruby on rails 4.0 Rocks! There is no framework as easy to use and setup such as this. You are on the right track my friend. Ruby on Rails it is really the type of web development that doesn’t hurt.

Photo and slogan from

Before getting to the nitty gritty of your next million dollar web app idea. You will need to get a couple of things in order to start creating as smooth as possible.

First you need to install Ruby and the latest Rails gem on your development environment PC/Mac. Go to and download the ruby installer for your operating system.


Download and Install Ruby

First you need to install Ruby and the latest Rails gem on your development environment PC/Mac. Go to and download the ruby installer for your operating system.


Download and Install Node JS *(not required)

Visit the NodeJS website and get the latest package. This is not a requirement; however if you later find issues with your Rails installation related to a jQuery/JavaScript runtime — installing this software will fix the issue.


Download and Install Aptana IDE (Free)

This is one of the greatest free RoR IDE available in the interwebz. Has everything you will need to learn, develop and deploy your first Ruby on Rails application. One minor setback that makes me hesitate using it more often is the responsiveless auto-complete feature for RoR. Yet, it works great for all other web developement projects you could have in mind.


Download and Install RubyMine IDE (License)

The best Ruby on Rails I have seen so far is Ruby Mine created and maintained by JetBrains. This IDE has a lot, and I mean a lot of features to offer for web developers. This program has the best code-check and auto-complete solutions by far. I recommend you to try it –It will make your development life easier.

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2013

Got the badge and learned so much from the following software evangelists.

Code camp 2013 @ Foothill College, Los Altos, CA


API Design Principles for Accelerated Development by Jonathan LeBlanc

Getting started with Test Driven Development by James Bender

Building apps with Backbone.js and Require.js by Sidney Maestre

Great classes for free? This is unheard of. Period. Sure once in a blue moon comes a Ryan Carson and throws a conference for everybody to enjoy while making a name for himself. This was something along those lines. But, this time it was sponsored by many big tech companies such as Intuit, Google, Sencha, Oracle, Box, O’Reilly, Trinet, HP among others.

SV Code Camp 2013 covered current software development techniques and future recommendations on technology usability e.g (Test Driven Development, API Prototyping, Design Best Practices, etc.) Don’t get me wrong here I’m not getting paid here spend a good bunch of my time writing and sharing this experience, so bare with me.

My point is WE NEED MORE OF THESE EVENTS.PERIOD. Companies are struggling to get great and competent developers, designers and most of the people out there don’t have the skills necessary to do the job because they have not gotten the appropriate training or studies to do so.

Companies should, must, spend more of their time contributing their technology insights with the communities that they are interested in recruiting from.

You give a fish to a man and he would be fed for a day, tech the same man to fish and he will be fed for a lifetime.

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2013 is a great example of how great companies share and contribute to the tech community interested in continuing the innovation and development legacy.

Sharing is caring. Share and you shall be rewarded.