Silicon Valley Code Camp 2013

Got the badge and learned so much from the following software evangelists.

Code camp 2013 @ Foothill College, Los Altos, CA


API Design Principles for Accelerated Development by Jonathan LeBlanc

Getting started with Test Driven Development by James Bender

Building apps with Backbone.js and Require.js by Sidney Maestre

Great classes for free? This is unheard of. Period. Sure once in a blue moon comes a Ryan Carson and throws a conference for everybody to enjoy while making a name for himself. This was something along those lines. But, this time it was sponsored by many big tech companies such as Intuit, Google, Sencha, Oracle, Box, O’Reilly, Trinet, HP among others.

SV Code Camp 2013 covered current software development techniques and future recommendations on technology usability e.g (Test Driven Development, API Prototyping, Design Best Practices, etc.) Don’t get me wrong here I’m not getting paid here spend a good bunch of my time writing and sharing this experience, so bare with me.

My point is WE NEED MORE OF THESE EVENTS.PERIOD. Companies are struggling to get great and competent developers, designers and most of the people out there don’t have the skills necessary to do the job because they have not gotten the appropriate training or studies to do so.

Companies should, must, spend more of their time contributing their technology insights with the communities that they are interested in recruiting from.

You give a fish to a man and he would be fed for a day, tech the same man to fish and he will be fed for a lifetime.

Silicon Valley Code Camp 2013 is a great example of how great companies share and contribute to the tech community interested in continuing the innovation and development legacy.

Sharing is caring. Share and you shall be rewarded.


The world of MVPs and WordPress pt. 2

Now, if we put what we learned on the slides. We can easily put together an MVP using the magnificent features of wordpress. One way to put the word out there about your new product is to create a landing page that showcases it along with all the most basic and important features. A good stepping stone is getting a theme like Appz by ThemeShaker. If you are the type of person that likes simple. Simple is the new simple. Then, get the Ultimate Coming Soon Page or Coming Soon / Maintenance mode Ready! worpress theme. And, if these two are not enought you should definitely check these 15+ best coming soon themes.

If you are still thinking that it is not possible or it is not a good idea to build products using wordpress to get the initial idea of your product with the market you should listen to the 35th episode of; Noel Tock on building products on wordpress. Noel Tock’s product was prototyped and shipped using wordpress.

Hacker News: WordPress Themes for Launching an MVP Ep. 35 Noel Tock on building products on wordpress

The world of MVPs and WordPress pt. 1

Oh the mighty minimum viable product (MVP). Many startups have used this method to create the first working prototype of an idea. These days everybody is trying to come up with the latest million dollar innovative invention. All kinds of crazy ideas are being developed everyday in hopes of being noticed, used and most of the time sold for a billion dollars e.g.(Instagram) . Yet, the most interesting thing of it all is that most products are not being developed from scratch, but built on top of an existing platform such as Joomla, Drupal or WordPress.

Wordpres is so easy to use that it has taken the website creation market as by storm. It is very likely that any noob out there building a website is using wordpress to kickstart the project. If you have not grasped the concept yet, let me explain further -Wordpress is so easy to use that you grandmother will be blogging in no time. It is really easy to use. In fact this blog post was published using WordPress.

Check a presentation about MVPs below.


Finding the minimun number in an Array

Let see…

To find the minimum number in an array you will have to browse through an array filled with random numbers and compare each find with a the previously lowest find until the end if reached.


Array filled with random numbers: 9 3 2 4 6 1 7 8 10

Minimum Number is: 1

In the example above we grab as initial vale “9” and compare it with the rest of the elements in the array. Is “3” lower than “9” –  YES! Then, the minimum number becomes “3” subsequently until the loop finds the minimum number “1” and reaches the end of the array.

Check the code below and or visit my fiddle here:

Website navigation poll results!


Pie chart - Web navigation poll

The results suggest that users prefer a header navigation menu when they visit websites. If you are planning to re-factor your website’s navigation use the code snippets below.

Horizontal header navigation in HTML code needed

Horizontal header navigation  CSS code needed

